Monday, April 1, 2024

My Morning Prayer: The Glory of the Cross

My Morning Prayer: The Glory of the Cross
-Roy Lessin and Marina Bromley

The Glory of the Cross
-Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow
The cross tells us:
We are sinners and need a Savior.
We are lost and need to be found.
We are guilty and need mercy.
The cross points us to Jesus:
His shed blood cleanses us.
His grace justifies us.
His finished work makes us whole.
The cross assures us:
Jesus is the only way.
God’s love held nothing back.
We have been bought with a price.

Far be it from me to glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:14 ASV).

My Morning Prayer
-Marina Bromley

Father, now that our Easter finery is put away, the company has gone home, the church halls are empty—let us not forget that the purpose of the cross was not meant for one day or even for one week, but for our lifetime and to have eternity with You. Thank You God for Your love, so perfect. Thank You Jesus, for laying Your life down as the price for our sins. Thank You Holy Spirit for walking with us each moment of every day, every season, that we can be comforted by You and never be left alone.

Your presence in my life is to be remembered every day, and my freedom from sin is meant to be celebrated! God, we give You the glory for making a way that will never end. Thank You for creating me to be Yours. Amen.

#mymorningprayer #devotional #devotion #thecross #easter #roylessin #meetinginthemeadow

©2024 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. Photo and prayer by Marina Bromley. Used with permission, all rights reserved.

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