Monday, June 5, 2023

My Morning Prayer: Live in His Rest

My Morning Prayer: Live in His Rest
-Roy Lessin and Marina Bromley


Live in His Rest
-Roy Lessin

In God have I put my trust, I will not be afraid. Psalm 56:11 ASV

In your quiet times or busy times, God has a quiet place for you to rest.

As you gaze upon the waters of the Holy Spirit, you will see the reflection of His face. His waters are present to wash you, delight you, and refresh you. They will bring you rest from all your fears, worries, cares, and anxieties. In His quiet place there is no weight upon you, no confusion around you, and no clouds over you. It is the place where you can peacefully open your heart to Him.

My Morning Prayer
-Marina Bromley

Father, God, I come to You in this quiet space You have brought me to. Help me to gaze upon the waters of Your Holy Spirit in my find Your face, to feel you wash me, delight me, and refresh me. Help me to find rest from my fears, worries, cares and anxieties. Let me feel the weight and confusion lifted from my shoulders and placed into Your arms, and all obstructions removed from my heart so I can open it up to You in prayer... (finish your prayer to Him in the quiet of your space...). In Jesus' name, amen.

#mymondayprayer #prayer #liveinhisrest #rest #roylessin #meetinginthemeadow #marinabromley 

©2023 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. Prayer and Photo by Marina Bromley. Used with permission, all rights reserved.

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