Monday, January 16, 2023

My Morning Prayer: Jesus Reaches Out to Bless You

My Morning Prayer: Jesus Reaches Out to Bless You
-Roy Lessin and Marina Bromley, Meeting in the Meadow

Jesus Reaches Out to Bless You
-Roy Lessin

He [Jesus] put forth His hand, and touched him (Luke 5:13 KJV).

He reaches out to the sorrowful and gives them comfort.
He reaches out to the discouraged and gives them hope.
He reaches out to the weak and makes them strong.
He reaches out to the humble and gives them grace.
He reaches out to the childlike and draws them close to His heart.
He reaches out to those in despair and brings them the hope of His salvation.
He reaches out to the needy and gives them His blessing

My Morning Prayer
-Marina Bromley

My beautiful Father, thank You for meeting me here now. Thank You for Your gifts and provisions. Thank You for the gift of Your presence and Your touch when I need it most...even before I ask for You.

Lord, please be working in me and around me. Comfort me. Help me to feel Your hope and grace, and Your strength—because You promise that when I am weak You are made strong in my weakness.

Whatever we face today, You and I, help me to feel Your hand carrying me in every circumstance. Let me see all things as a blessing, and to accept Your will at work in my life. Even when things don't look like the way I think they should, help me believe that You are working in them, and that the end result will be so much better than what I could have imagined. Only You know my tomorrows, and I trust You with all the details. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.


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©2023 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. Prayer and Photo by Marina Bromley, used with permission. All rights reserved.

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