Monday, July 4, 2022

My Morning Prayer: He Is Near

My Morning Prayer: He Is Near
-Roy Lessin and Marina Bromley

He Is Near
-Roy Lessin

The Lord is close to all who call on Him, yes, to all who call on Him in truth (Psalm 145:18 NLT).


Don’t doubt His presence for a single moment. He is the true and faithful God. You can be certain of Him fulfilling His promises. Don’t doubt it. Let your heart be quiet with this assurance! He is near you because He cares about you, because He loves you, and because He desires to have fellowship with you.


There will never be a time, a moment, a second when you are without Him. He is with you now; with you tomorrow; with you in the dark times; with you in the hard times; with you in the glad times; with you through all the times of your life—when you are young, when you are old, when you are busy, when you journey, and when you return home.


My Morning Prayer
-Marina Bromley

Father, thank You that You are always with me. When the road is difficult to discern, You make my way straight. When the dark of night frightens me, Your Light shines before me. When I feel alone and as if no one else cares, You are with me and You do care! When I have joy and celebration in my heart You are with me, and You are with me to dry my tears of disappointment. 

In all of life's circumstances the one thing I can be sure of is Your care and presence in my life. You show up in big ways, like towering mountains and roaring rivers, and You are in the small and quiet ways too—the whisper of a breeze on a hot summer afternoon and the shooting star across the night's sky. You are with me always.

Thank You for Your promises, and help me to memorize them so I can dispel fear and lies from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy. You are my everything. My Rock, my Strong Tower, my Deliverer, and I can trust in You alone. Father, help me to trust You in every aspect of my life. Help me to share my mustard seed faith with those whose faith is even smaller. Help me to remember every promise You have made, and help me to take claim of them in scripture as promises that You have made, not just for the church of old, but for me, today. Thank You for being near. In Jesus' name, amen.


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©2022 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow, DaySpring. Used with permission. Photo by Erin Story, used with permission. All rights reserved.

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