Monday, September 13, 2021

My Morning Prayer: The Power of Blessing

We are excited to expand our series, “My Monday Prayer” to include intercessory prayers. These prayers were written to pray over children in our lives, our children, grandchildren, kids in our classrooms, children in our neighborhoods, even the coming generations!

We ALL started off as “children” so there is no age limit to the “kids” we pray for. Let us grow in our faith as we pray for others to know Him in new ways and to have a deeper relationship with Him.


My Morning Prayer: The Power of Blessing
-Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow

Jesus, “Took the children in His arms and placed His hands on their heads and blessed them.” Mark 10:16 NLT

God loves to bless the lives of children, and we have the awesome privilege of extending the blessing of God to each child we know. Your words can speak the blessing of God, your hands can impart the blessing of God, your heart can express the blessing of God. As you ask God to bless the children near you, you are asking for His best, His highest and His greatest good for their lives.

Children grow and thrive under the blessing of God. As you bless the children around you they will hear words of hope, encouragement and support. Prayers of blessing will not beat them down, but build them up; will not hurt them, but heal them; will not weaken them, but strengthen them; will not lead them astray, but help them follow the good God has for their lives.

#meetinginthemeadow #prayersofpromise #mymondayprayer #thepowerofblessing


This post is adapted from the book Prayers of Promise; God's Life-Changing Promises to Pray Over Your Children, by Roy Lessin. It is available through DaySpring and other Christian bookstores.

©2021 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. Photo by Marina Bromley, used with permission. All rights reserved.

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