Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Part 10: Knowing His Best...Walking in Rest!

Part 10: Knowing His Best...Walking in Rest!
-Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow

Knowing His Best...
We have been rescued from our enemies so we can serve God without fear... Luke 1:74 NLT

Walking in Rest!
God's work is to deliver you from every enemy of rest — from fear that paralyzes, from worry that vexes, from unbelief that despairs, from legalism that condemns. His power overcomes weakness with strength, mental anguish with a sound mind, emotional distress with  inner-harmony, spiritual bondage with freedom and praise. His work will bring wholeness to your being...healing to your body...happiness to your heart. He will take you from emptiness to fruitfulness and from dead works to serve the living God.

©2021 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. Photo by Marina Bromley, used with permission. All rights reserved.

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