Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Jesus: Unsearchable Riches

Jesus: Unsearchable Riches
-Roy Lessin, Jesus Name Above All Names

To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. -Ephesians 3:8 NKJV

Do you know who you really are in Jesus Christ? Have you discovered your true identity, and are you living in the reality of it today? You are the Lord's person and possession. He made you and He owns you. He has ownership of you through creation and redemption. Isn't it good to know that you are doubly His? You are no small thing to Him and your life is no small matter in His loving hands.

You are His, wholly and completely. There are no doubts in His mind or in heaven's records. The Devil has no lien against your life. Because of the purchase price that Jesus paid upon the cross, Satan has no rightful claim upon you. You are now God's child. You have been adopted into God's family. He is your Father and you are a joint-heir with Jesus Christ.

In Jesus Christ, there are no ties to your past to pull you back, no fears to hold you back, no chains to keep you back. The Son has set you free—you are a new creation, the old has passed away and the new has come.

Don't ever say, "Poor me." Instead say, "Rich me!" You have been lavished with riches—riches of grace, riches of mercy, riches of kindness, riches of faith, riches of love, riches of salvation, riches of glory, now and forever.
©2011, 2021, Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. Photo by Heather Lee. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

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