Jesus' name is above every name. His name is so great that the Bible gives Him many other names to help us understand how mighty He truly is. Every name that Jesus bears and everything that Jesus is, He is for you. As you go through this day consider His glorious names, and the impact they have upon your life.
- The Last Adam: Through His obedience He came to restore to you everything that the first Adam lost through His disobedience.
- The Advocate: He is your defending attorney in the courthouses of heaven.
- Almighty: He knows no limits to what He can do for you because He is without limitation.
- Alpha: He is the first word in every issue that concerns you.
- Omega: He is the final word in every issue that concerns you.
- Amen: He is the "so be it" to all He directs you to do.
- Anointed: He is the one God has chosen to be your all in all.
- Apostle: He is the one who established you and upon whom the foundation of your faith is built.
- Author: He is writing every chapter of your life and is preparing future editions.
- Beloved: He brings you the Father's heart.
- Bishop: He watches over your soul.
- Bread of Life: He nurtures and sustains you.
- Bridegroom: He's preparing you for His wedding day.
- Bright Morning Star: He is the bright spot in your day.
- Captain: He is charting your course and guiding your rudder.
- Carpenter: He is preparing a place for you in His Father's house.
- Chief Shepherd: He is leading you to still waters and quiet resting places.
- Christ: He is the Lord of your life.
- Cornerstone: He is the One you are building your life upon.
- Dayspring from on High: He brings new hope to every morning.
- Deliverer: He is One who sets you free from the bondage of sin.
- Emmanuel: He is God with you.
- Express Image of God: He allows you to see the beauty of the Father's face.
- High Priest: He is praying for you and standing before God on your behalf.
- Holy One: He is your purity.
- Jesus: He is your Savior.
- Lamb of God: He is your sacrifice.
- Master: He is in control.
- Messiah: He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—and He is your God.
- Passover: He has provided your redemption.
- Propitiation: He has made atonement for you.
- Rabbi: He is your teacher.
- Refuge: He is your hiding place.
- Resurrection: He is your eternal hope.
- Vine: He makes you fruitful.
- Wonderful: He is the One who is worthy of all your worship.
- Way: He is the pathway and the destination of your day.
This is an excerpt from Roy Lessin's book, Because of Jesus Today is Your Best Day, available at DaySpring (use the link on the right side of our page) and Christian retailers everywhere.
©2020 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. All rights reserved.
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